Second Life account: Rose Schridde.
As you can interpret from my title his is my first blog.
The only game I play on the Internet is single games that you can find on playray, not virtual reality (VR) “games” like Second life. The only tool that I used to communicate with is email and MSN, I am not involved in any community on the web.
My only explanation is that I do not have needs for interact in different cultures on the web. Most of my old friends, from my home town, do not have blogs or similar sites so we use other communication tools. However I do have one friend that has a traveling site but because I don’t spend so much time in front of the computer, I prefer to meet up with her and she can tell my face to face about her traveling experience and show me photos. One reason why I do not spend so much time in front of the computer is because I see my computer as a working tool not an entertainment tool.
I like to live in the “real life (RL)” I spend my of ”computer time” with my bunny (Lilly), my boyfriend or with my friends face to face.
So what do I do on my free time when some people sit hour after hour in front of the computer? Well I like to be creative and enjoy puzzling, design jewelries and scrap booking.
If I overlook my reasons why I don't use Blogs or interact with other society's on the net. I see the Digital Culture "revolution" as something positive. Because people need to escape the reality some times and become someone else for a while. When you are on the net and interact with other people, you can either get your frustrations out by writing about it or become someone ells; escape reality. I use to escape reality when I spent time in the stable; it was just me and the horse alone in the forest without any adults. This was my time to erase all the troubles that has accrued during the day. However I can also see a backside to this new blog culture. Even in the Internet world people get bullied and harassed here to, this is one problem that never will disappear no matter where you are.