Monday, April 2, 2007


Flickr is a society site that I might have an interest in joining. Because I enjoy taking photos and then edit those in Photo shop. As I have mentioned earlier in my Blog I do not spend so much time in front of the computer, so when it comes to editing photos I mostly do that when I an going to use them for something. But if I join a society like Flickr it might feed my photo interest, because Flickr offers ideas and feedback. I can get inspired from other Flickr members and learn how they use their camera. And I can also get feed back from people that view my Photos and from their negative or positive comment I might learn something new. Flickr also offers a private sharing option, which means that I can share my more Private photos with my friends. This option would be very use full for me since all my childhood friends are spread out all over Sweden.

So maybe I should try Flickr.

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